Cornerstone 2002 Day-by-Day

Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday

Joanna's Journal

Tuesday morning, July 2

I got into Cornerstone around 1:30 in the morning. I'd wanted to get here last night by 8:30, but several things came up: trouble finding a cat sitter, buying extra kitty & camping supplies, problems at work, and getting turned around a couple times on the road.

There are so many people here, it was difficult to find a camping spot. But I managed to find a place that's a little off the road, well-shaded, and even a bit isolated. I hope I don't get flooded when it rains! I tried my best NOT to look like someone who's never gone camping alone and has only gone a couple times with a group. I think I may have fooled some people.

Somebody just drove by playing the Lost Dogs' "Diamonds to Coal" on his radio. I can already tell that this trip will be awesome. I haven't always felt this way--when I drove in last night, I was asking myself "What am I doing here?" I want to see some bands of course, but I also want the change to get away from my crazy life, take some time out, and spend some time with God. God, I know you're looking over my shoulder as I write this. Let's get some serious "us" time this week, OK?

A girl whose camping up the hill dropped by to say hi. I may be here alone, but this is the place to meet people. Maybe I'll seek out Camp 77's and meet some of the people I talk with over the 'Net.

Tuesday afternoon, July 2

I met a couple named Rick and Lucie who were asking for directions. They later came back and invited me to lunch. How could I refuse? They've trekked here from Ottawa and brought some teenagers with them. After they arrived, they immediately started making friends and inviting them over. They are wonderful people, and God has truly given them a gift for hospitality.

Rick and Lucie are the only people I've met who came for the seminars instead of the music. But they'll probably go to some concerts, too. Rick has listened to Terry Taylor since he was six years old, and Lucie would like to hear the Lost Dogs. Cool! New friends, new fans.

A passerby just told me that my tent is surrounded by poison ivy. There's none by the entrance of the tent, so I'll stay put for now and be careful when I pack everything up. So much for looking like a camper!

Tuesday evening, July 2

I tried to find Camp 77's, but the map at the front was missing.

After worshipping with the JPUSA band, I hung out at Rick and Lucie's camp. Then I figured I should take a shower and sleep, since this will be an inense week. It's so humid out here, I felt worse coming out of the shower than I did going in! Ugh!

I caught a bit of Dave Beegle playing a souped-up "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" coming back from the showers. It was good!

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Cornerstone 2002 Day-by-Day

Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday