Where do you find a no-legged dog?

Right where you left him!

Where do you find a three-legged dog?

Right here at LostDogs.Brinkster.net!

Off the Wall:

"Between sick and perfect, I think we have a happy medium." --Mike Roe

"But we're freaking out saying 'Dude the Lost Dogs are playing!' and how often do you get to see that happen?" --Mac Powell of Third Day, referring to Cornerstone 2001

Do you have favorite quotes you'd like to add to "Off the Wall"? Drop us a line!

Links Du Jour:

Today's DogTube:

Concert Dates

Nothing to see yet... stay tuned!

Join the Lost Dogs E-mail List!

Simply fire off an email to TheLostDogs-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. This is an unofficial list for anyone who wants to talk about Lost Dogs's music, members, or members' bands. Oh, and occasionally Doctor Love (a.k.a. Mike Roe) puts in a personal appearance...

Search for your favorite Lost Dogs song!

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Song Search:

Also check out Joanna's Cornerstone 2002 Report.